Monday, 25 June 2012

News Update: Gel-Filled Silicone Implants Approved by FDA

For years, the only option that women have had when considering having a breast augmentation were silicone and saline filled implants. Recently, a new type of implant that is filled with a gel silicone substance has been approved for women over the age of 22 and women who require breast reconstruction. Due to the fear of silicone leakage from prior versions of implants and the issue of sagging regarding saline implants, many women are now seeking the new and improved gel-filled silicone implants.

Safety Update on Gel-Filled Silicone Implants
Although the actual gel-filled silicone breast implant has been approved for use since 2006, the FDA just recently set specifications in place regarding which types of patients would benefit the most from this type of implant. Even though the is a major surgical procedure and possesses its own risks, gel-filled implants are reasonably safe and effective. In general, the longer a woman has breast implants, the more likely they are to rupture. To be specific, 20-70% of women will require additional surgeries pertaining to breast implants within the first 8-10 years Yet, there is no distinct correlation with women who received gel-filled silicone implants and major diseases, such as breast cancer or reproductive problems.

Information for Those Considering or Have Breast Implants
Patients should be aware that many women with implants experience negative initial effects, such as breast pain, scarring, and infection, and additional long-term effects, such as silent rupture, sagging, and capsular contracture. Routine mammography screening is suggested for early and effective detection of breast cancer. In addition, breast implants will not last a lifetime and will eventually require replacement or removal, resulting in additional surgery.

Conclusive Information About Silicone Gel-Filled Implants
Based on this study, and others that are similar in nature, silicone gel-filled breast implants are relatively safe and effective when used correctly. Despite potential adverse outcomes and risks, the general implications of breast implants are understood by the majority of patients. However, the surgical risks of undergoing a should not be overlooked. Yet, for many women, the benefits of receiving breast implants outweigh the potential risks and negative feelings that are associated with the current condition of their breasts and underlying tissue.


  1. I think any product that got the FDA approval is safe and effective it it's used correctly. But in order for this to happen it's very very important to find a good, experienced surgeon to perform the procedure.

    I had an easy job in finding a good surgeon for my breast augmentation surgery in Toronto because a friend works at and she told me they have one of the best doctors in that area.
    He used silicone implants and until now I feel great. My husband told me they feel natural and that really convinced me I did the right thing.

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