Thursday, 28 June 2012

Discover How a Spa Facial Can Help You Achieve Healthier, Younger Looking Skin

While many men and women try numerous procedures and techniques to make them appear younger, many do not realize that some of the best treatments for youthful looking skin can be so simple. Even procedures as simple as can eliminate dead skin, make skin more radiant, and exfoliate the face.  This will lead to an overall younger appearance for clients. 
Spa Facial Process
In order to determine each patient's specific skin care needs, clients will first undergo a skin analysis. During this analysis, a custom skin care regimen will be created based on the quality of each individual patient's skin and recommended care techniques. Both at-home and clinical skin regimens are recommended, and consultations can be provided with all services in order to educate patients on the importance of routine skin care. This allows patients to maintain their results from clinical facials and at-home regimens. 
Types of Facials
Custom Glow Treatment
As with other cosmetic procedures, many types of are available. The Custom Glow procedure involves a steam cleanse that is saturated with essential oils and enzymes which loosen dead skin cells and clear pores. When necessary, extractions will also be performed. Custom masks will be selected for patients based on skin type, and a vitamin/anti-oxidant mixture will be applied along with a topical sunscreen. 
The Signature Facial Facelift
Another facial treatment that begins with a facial cleanse, but employs the use of Vitamin C enzymes is The Signature Facial Facelift. This treatment begins with a Retinol and Grape Seed Extract scrub massage and resurfacing scrub that is followed by the application of a creamy mask that features healing agents such as Vitamin C, papain, and bromelain. Extractions are then performed, and a calming natural aloe mask containing sunscreen is applied to soothe and rebuild skin. This procedure is optimal for those who experience sun-damaged or hyperpigmented skin, or have troublesome acne.

Monday, 25 June 2012

News Update: Gel-Filled Silicone Implants Approved by FDA

For years, the only option that women have had when considering having a breast augmentation were silicone and saline filled implants. Recently, a new type of implant that is filled with a gel silicone substance has been approved for women over the age of 22 and women who require breast reconstruction. Due to the fear of silicone leakage from prior versions of implants and the issue of sagging regarding saline implants, many women are now seeking the new and improved gel-filled silicone implants.

Safety Update on Gel-Filled Silicone Implants
Although the actual gel-filled silicone breast implant has been approved for use since 2006, the FDA just recently set specifications in place regarding which types of patients would benefit the most from this type of implant. Even though the is a major surgical procedure and possesses its own risks, gel-filled implants are reasonably safe and effective. In general, the longer a woman has breast implants, the more likely they are to rupture. To be specific, 20-70% of women will require additional surgeries pertaining to breast implants within the first 8-10 years Yet, there is no distinct correlation with women who received gel-filled silicone implants and major diseases, such as breast cancer or reproductive problems.

Information for Those Considering or Have Breast Implants
Patients should be aware that many women with implants experience negative initial effects, such as breast pain, scarring, and infection, and additional long-term effects, such as silent rupture, sagging, and capsular contracture. Routine mammography screening is suggested for early and effective detection of breast cancer. In addition, breast implants will not last a lifetime and will eventually require replacement or removal, resulting in additional surgery.

Conclusive Information About Silicone Gel-Filled Implants
Based on this study, and others that are similar in nature, silicone gel-filled breast implants are relatively safe and effective when used correctly. Despite potential adverse outcomes and risks, the general implications of breast implants are understood by the majority of patients. However, the surgical risks of undergoing a should not be overlooked. Yet, for many women, the benefits of receiving breast implants outweigh the potential risks and negative feelings that are associated with the current condition of their breasts and underlying tissue.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Beneficial Information About Investing in a Revision Rhinoplasty

As the popular saying goes, "All good things must come to an end." Just as this is true for many things in life, it can also hold truth for certain plastic surgery procedures. Whether patients are a victim of a less-than-optimal rhinoplasty or had a previous rhinoplasty that healed incorrectly, a Revision Rhinoplasty may be a good option. 
Procedure Overview 
In general, rhinoplasties are some of the most revised plastic surgery procedures. Aggressive surgery and scar contracture can leave patients with unnatural results and can even be painful. As a result, an additional procedure may be necessary for nasal restructuring. 
The identification of structural and functional abnormalities is the first step of a provisional procedure. After a physical exam is completed, physicians plan out a tactical method for revising a previous rhinoplasty. Additional observation may be required for patients with specific conditions. Although each procedure is different in nature, most consist of a small incision, nasal restructuring, and stitches/surgical tape to hold the nose in the desired position. 
After the surgery is complete, patients are asked to clean the area twice a day. Casting and stitches will be removed after one week of healing, and the nose will be taped for the second week of the healing process. Following a Revision Rhinoplasty, patients are encouraged to be patient with their body and allow time for proper healing. This is one area of the body that takes time to heal in order to produce ultimate results.
Choosing a Surgeon 
Since a revision rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult procedures to perform, it is crucial for patients to choose an experienced and highly-trained professional to perform this surgery. Perfecting a rhinoplasty takes years to master and techniques evolve on a constant basis. The nose is a difficult structure to reshape and takes a great period of time to heal, so surgeons working on this area of the body should focus on patience and long-term goals.
Since patients who undergo a revision procedure have fallen victim to a failed procedure before, it is important to employ a surgeon who is trustworthy and professional. After all, the nose is a tender part of the body and can only take so much reconstruction. So, patients should invest their time, money, and trust in surgeons who possess similar goals and understand the importance of perfecting this procedure.